SA teachers designing learning

Cathie Luke and Katie Oxenberry, Reception Class – Woodend Primary School

Video (4.19 mins)

Cathie and Katie show how they developed a unit of inquiry on needs and wants in mathematics, beginning with finding out what the students already knew through a KWL process as the starting point for the learning design.

Abe Moore, Year 6/7 – Hallet Cove South Primary School

Video (3.43 mins)

Abe shows how a goal setting activity with students identified the desire to improve public speaking skills, which lead to the question – What do skilled speakers do to engage an audience?
Abe and his students used TED talks to identify what it means to be a skilled speaker and co-developed a single point rubric to list the success criteria for an ‘A’ standard of achievement. Abe explains how he is developing shared responsibility for learning with his students.

Alice Jenkins, Dance Teacher, Seaview High School

Video (4.49 mins)

Alice shows how she is using student voice to help plan and deliver learning and assessment. Alice surveyed her students to find out more about what they were interested in. This information formed the basis of the learning and assessment design in contemporary dance.

Learning Design at the ASMS

Learning Design at the ASMS

Video (12.01 mins)

Amanda Watkin from the Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS) shares how she is using Learning Design in Year 10 & 11 mathematics, statistics and probability.

Makers Empire

An example of using Learning Design based on the game of chess to engage students with challenging learning from the Australian Curriculum and incorporating the Makers Empire 3D software.

Thinking Map

This unit focusses on the Ancient World for Years 7 and 8, incorporating the Makers Empire software.


This unit focusses on the Ancient World for Years 7 and 8, incorporating the Makers Empire software.

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ResourcesSA Learning designSA teachers designing learning